
What are the Types of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia Surgery: Two Types of Gynecomastia Procedures

Some male chests swell up like a woman’s breast due to an excess of fatty or glandular tissue, which is referred to as Gynecomastia. This is usually painless and appears as a rubbery lump beneath the nipple’s surface. In young males, having a chest that resembles a breast causes a great deal of embarrassment. As a result of the extreme psychological stress, removing the male breast became a necessary procedure. The New You clinic offers effective gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery also called male chest reduction surgery, is a procedure used to treat overdeveloped or oversized breasts in men. It removes extra tissue growth in the male chest region, flattening and enhancing the chest outlines. Liposuction, gland excision, or a combination of the two treatments can be used. In India, approximately 29,532 gynecomastia operations are performed each year, indicating that many persons suffer from this issue. If you have been suffering silently from this disease, you should know that male chest fat reduction surgery is a safe procedure that permanently removes breast tissue.

Causes of Gynecomastia

A variety of factors can cause gynecomastia. It is caused by an imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen causes breast tissue to expand, whereas testosterone inhibits this process. Although both men and women have testosterone and estrogen, testosterone is normally higher in males, and estrogen is usually higher in women.

As hormones vary during development, gynecomastia can develop in newborns and young guys. But it generally resolves on its own. Men’s swollen breasts may recur as they grow older. Estrogen levels can rise in older men because they produce less testosterone and have more body fat than younger men.

Gynecomastia is Caused by Various Factors

Grades of Gynecomastia

An experienced and board-certified surgeon can execute safe and effective male chest reduction surgery. A gynecomastia specialist can conduct and treat all four types of gynecomastia procedures.

Grade 1 – Very Mild

The breast typically has a slight tissue enlargement behind the areola, referred to as Puffy Nipple. In most cases, only excess glandular tissue is present.

Grade 2- Mild to High

Moderate breast enlargement beyond the areola with indistinct borders from the chest area. It may consist of fatty tissue, glandular tissue, or both.

Grade 3 – High and Visible

The same as moderate breast augmentation, but with the addition of skin redundancy. Fatty tissue, glandular tissue, or both may be present.

Grade 4 – Severe and Feminized

With substantial growth and skin laxity, the breasts appear feminine. They are primarily seen in older males when skin quality deteriorates, causing the breasts to appear smaller than when the skin was taut.

Two Types of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia treatment aims to restore a normal male chest contour and treat chest and nipple malformations. Liposuction and excision are the two procedural options to treat gynecomastia. In more minor grades (Grades I & II), the treatment can be done under tumescent anesthesia. General anesthesia may be required for higher grades (Grades III and IV).

  1. Liposuction Technique

Only liposuction treatments are utilized in cases where gynecomastia is caused primarily by extra fatty tissue. A cannula, a tiny hollow tube, is inserted through multiple small incisions to accomplish this.

Liposuction is Used to Treat Gynecomastia

The cannula is pushed back and forth in a controlled way to release the excess fat, which is then vacuum suctioned out of the body. Several liposuction techniques can be performed, but the best one for you will be determined before your treatment.

  1. Excision Technique

An excision procedure is necessary when glandular breast tissue or extra skin must be removed to address gynecomastia. If the areola is to be decreased or moved to a more natural masculine contour, excision is required again. Incision patterns differ based on the circumstances and the surgeon’s preference.


During your gynecomastia surgery recovery time, dressings or bandages are applied to your incisions. An elastic bandage or support garment may minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals after surgery.

To drain any excess fluid (blood), a small, thin tube can be placed beneath the skin. You will be given instructions on taking care of the surgical site, taking drugs orally to aid healing and reduce infection risk, and the particular problems to look for in your general health. Make sure to ask your plastic surgeon specific questions about what you can expect during your gynecomastia surgery recovery period.

Consult The New You for Gynecomastia Surgery

Contact Dr. Deepu Chundru of The New You clinic for effective gynecomastia surgery to remove excess breast tissue in Hyderabad. This clinic provides the cheapest gynecomastia surgery cost in Hyderabad. They offer a dedicated gynecological department with a skilled surgeon on staff. For a gynecomastia consultation, you can schedule an appointment with them to discuss your treatment choices.


  1. How many types of gynecomastia surgery are there?

There are two surgical options for patients with gynecomastia. Liposuction is used when the condition is primarily caused by excess fatty tissue. The excision technique is executed if the cause is excess glandular breast tissue.

  1. What is the best treatment for gynecomastia?

The best treatment is the surgical gynecomastia procedure. Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure of removing excess, unwanted chest fat through a surgical incision by a plastic surgeon.

  1. Is gynecomastia surgery permanent?

This tissue is permanently eliminated after a gynecomastia operation. Gynecomastia is characterized by fatty tissue, which can give the impression of fat without being affected by dietary or exercise changes.

  1. How to reduce chest fat for male?

Dieting and exercise can help reduce the fat in your chest area. But if a gynecomastia condition is causing your fat, you should opt for gynecomastia surgery to permanently remove the chest fat.

Experience 20+ Years
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