
What is Hyperhidrosis and How Can it be Treated?

Excessive sweating that isn’t usually linked to heat or exertion is called hyperhidrosis. Perspiration can get so bad that it drops off your palms or seeps through your clothes. Excessive perspiration can ruin your day and lead to shame and social anxiety. Treatment for hyperhidrosis typically works. Usually, it starts with deodorant. You might need to try alternative medications and therapies if these don’t work.

In this blog, we have curated details pertaining to Hyperhidrosis. If you want to undergo hyperidrosis treatment in Hyderabad, visit TheNewYou, where you can avail premium treatment for this condition at affordable costs.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. When you perspire more than your body requires to maintain temperature regulation, you develop this illness. Sweating can happen at random moments when you least expect it, or while you’re at rest or in a frigid environment.

The odorless liquid that is secreted by your eccrine glands is called sweat. The function of sweat is to assist in controlling body temperature and averting hyperthermia. Your skin has eccrine glands. Sweat travels through tubes known as ducts from your glands to the skin’s surface. Sweat turns from a liquid to a gas as it exits the ducts when it evaporates from your skin and cools your body.

What causes excessive sweating?

Sweating is the body’s way of cooling down. Sweat glands are naturally activated when your body temperature rises by the neurological system. Additionally, sweating happens when you’re frightened, especially on your palms.

Erroneous nerve signals that cause the eccrine sweat glands to become overactive are the cause of primary hyperhidrosis. Usually, it affects the face, underarms, palms, and soles.

The cause of this kind of hyperhidrosis is not medical. It may run in families.

An underlying medical condition or the use of specific medications, such as analgesics, antidepressants, some diabetic treatments, and hormone replacement therapy, might result in secondary hyperhidrosis. Sweating on the whole body is a possible symptom of this kind of hyperhidrosis. Some circumstances that could lead to it are:

  • Diabetes
  • Menopause hot flashes
  • Thyroid problems
  • Some types of cancer
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Infections

Types of Hyperhidrosis

1. Primary focal hyperhidrosis

Focal hyperhidrosis, also known as primary focal hyperhidrosis, is a long-term skin disorder. This illness results from a genetic alteration, or mutation. It is something you could inherit from your birth family. The most prevalent kind of hyperhidrosis is this one. Usually, it affects your face, hands, feet, and armpits. It usually begins before the age of 25.

2. Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating brought on by an underlying medical condition or a drug side effect is known as generalized hyperhidrosis. Diabetes, Parkinson’s illness, and prescription drugs like naproxen (Aleve®) are a few examples. Sweating while you sleep is a possible symptom of generalized hyperhidrosis.

Complications of Hyperhidrosis

Complications from hyperhidrosis can include:

  • An infection of the skin.
  • Changes to the skin, such as wrinkles, discoloration, paleness, or fissures.
  • Maceration, or extraordinarily supple, dewy skin.

Your mental health may be impacted by hyperhidrosis as well. To disguise your symptoms from other people, you could find yourself altering your routine. You can be so overly sweaty all the time that you refrain from doing everyday things like raising your arms or shaking hands. To prevent issues or humiliation from excessive perspiration, you can even give up enjoyable activities. If your social and emotional wellbeing are impacted by hyperhidrosis, speak with a healthcare professional.

Hyperhidrosis treatment cost in Hyderabad is around 27,000/- to 50,000/- depending on the intensity of the problem.

Hyperhidrosis signs and indicators could include.

  • Squishy or damp hands’ palms
  • Clammy or damp foot soles
  • Recurring perspiration
  • Excessive perspiration that seeps through clothes

The following symptoms could be present in someone with hyperhidrosis:

  • Bacterial or fungal infections that cause excruciating and severe skin conditions.
  • Concerned about garment stains.
  • unwilling to come into direct contact.
  • Self-aware
  • socially reclusive, occasionally culminating in despair.
  • Choosing a career where interacting with others or having physical contact is not required.
  • Spend a significant portion of your day managing perspiration by changing clothes, wiping, putting pads or napkins under your arms, washing, and dressing in heavy or dark clothing.

Side effects of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis, characterized by excessive sweating beyond what’s necessary for temperature regulation, can lead to several physical and emotional side effects. Here are some:

  • Skin Irritation: Constant moisture can cause skin irritation, including rashes, infections like fungal infections, and even breakdown of the skin.
  • Social Anxiety: Excessive sweating can lead to social anxiety and embarrassment in social situations, affecting one’s self-esteem and confidence.
  • Odor: The bacteria that thrive in sweat can cause body odor, which can be more pronounced with excessive sweating.
  • Clothing Stains: Sweat stains on clothing can be embarrassing and difficult to remove, potentially leading to additional stress.
  • Difficulty with Daily Activities: Excessive sweating can interfere with daily activities, such as writing, typing, and gripping objects securely.
  • Impaired Work Performance: In professional settings, excessive sweating can be distracting and may impair concentration and productivity.
  • Emotional Impact: Living with hyperhidrosis can lead to emotional stress, frustration, and depression due to its impact on daily life and self-image.
  • Avoidance Behaviors: People with hyperhidrosis may avoid social situations or physical activities to prevent embarrassment or discomfort.
  • Interpersonal Relationships: Excessive sweating can affect interpersonal relationships due to discomfort or embarrassment in social settings.
  • Medical Complications: In severe cases, hyperhidrosis can lead to medical complications such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

It’s essential for individuals experiencing symptoms of hyperhidrosis to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and management options, which may include lifestyle changes, topical treatments, medications, or medical procedures.

Final Words:

A person’s quality of life can be greatly impacted by hyperhidrosis, both physically and emotionally. The consequences of this illness can be severe, ranging from persistent perspiration to social anxiety. For those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, there is hope due to developments in medical knowledge and available treatments. If you are looking for hyperhidrosis treatment near me, visit TheNewYou hospitals in Hyderabad.

It is imperative that those who sweat excessively consult a physician. A qualified healthcare provider can provide an accurate diagnosis and offer direction on management techniques catered to the specific requirements of each patient. There are ways to address the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and enhance general health, including lifestyle changes, topical therapies, pharmaceuticals, and medical procedures.

We can encourage empathy and support for persons impacted by hyperhidrosis by increasing awareness of the ailment and its effects. Regardless of their level of sweat, we can all work together to make sure that everyone has access to the tools and assistance they need to live comfortably and confidently.

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