
Heal from Liposuction

How Long Does It Take to Heal from Liposuction?

Liposuction has become quite common these days, thanks to the advancement in medical technology. Most people opt for this option to get fit and flat abs. Are you planning to get rid of your excessive belly fat? If yes, then you’d definitely be worried about the recovery time so that you can have a clear timeline of surgery and recovery in mind. Well, the length of recovery varies from patient to patient and so there is no definite preset time for recovery.  However, if you know the recovery procedure, it will give you a better idea of what to expect. Here is some helpful information to prepare your mind for a liposuction surgery.Heal from Liposuction

1 – 2 weeks post-surgery

Once the effect of anesthesia has worn off, you will most likely feel sore and experience pain. During this time your pain may be manageable but you will be prescribed pain relievers for times when you experience unbearable pain. You can expect limited movement around this time. You will have to wear compression belts during this period to cover your treatment area well. These compression belts and elastic bandages will help you deal with the swelling that is common after a liposuction procedure. You can gradually expect the results to be visible once the swelling subsides.

The first two weeks post-surgery will definitely be uncomfortable and a difficult phase of your recovery because the affected area will need regular monitoring to deal with any signs of infection. Daily activities will also be limited so it is recommended to plan accordingly.

2 – 4 weeks post-surgery

By this time your swelling would be subsiding and the incisions should be already healed. Once you go through the liposuction surgery, you can gradually return back to your daily activities. However, only after 3 weeks will you be recommended light to moderate exercises depending upon your health condition. If you experience pain or discomfort during this time, then it is recommended to reduce your activities until you feel better. If there are any more concerns, it is always best to talk to the surgeon.

Time post 4 weeks

This is the period when your new shape should become more obvious because the bruising will not be noticeable anymore. If you are already continuing your daily activities, you can come back to the regular routine and intensity of activities. It will take as long as 3 months for the swelling to be completely gone.

What should you do during this phase?

As you opt for fat removal surgery, you will realize that there is a lot more to it than just going to the clinic and coming back home the same day. Well, one of the most important things to remember is to show patience and carefully follow through with all the instructions. If you do not follow the instructions post liposuction surgery, then the end result might not really be something that you like.

What care should you take during this time?

One of the most common mistakes that most post-surgery patients make is to overexert themselves, which causes pain and other complications during this time. Some take the instructions given by surgeon too lightly. You need to be careful of any symptoms that are alarming. For example, if you notice anything abnormal in your pain, recovery process, and activities, then it is best to get in touch with the surgeon again. Never miss out on any medications prescribed to you because these are for efficient recovery from pain. As you follow up on the advice, you can notice steady changes in your health.

Tips to reduce swelling

If you want to speed up your recovery, then it is important to focus on aftercare. Here are certain guidelines that will help you with your recovery:

  • Stay hydrated at all times by drinking enough water throughout the day. It might not seem to be an effective strategy, but it definitely does work for patients recovering from liposuction surgery.
  • Eat a diet that is low in sodium. Recovery period is not a time to munch on pizzas, potato chips, canned soups and so on; maintain a healthy diet.
  • Take the best advantage of rest you can get. It is not recommended to jump back vigorously to your normal routine, rather ease into it. The more rest you take during the first two weeks, the better recovery can you expect.
  • Follow the recommended course for proper blood circulation around the area.

As you keep the above points in mind, you need to also remember that recovery varies from person to person. So, the best person to advice you on your recovery timeline is your surgeon. Ensure that you keep the above-mentioned principles in mind and get the best results post-surgery.

Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
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