
What You Need to Know About Tummy Tucks or Abdominoplasty Surgery

Know About Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Surgery

Abdominoplasty surgery is an effective method to get rid of the fat in the stomach area and is particularly helpful for patients who are unable to achieve a toned stomach with diet and exercise. This procedure is also known as tummy tuck and strengthens weakened abdominal muscles that women experience after childbirth.

What You Need to Know About Tummy Tucks or Abdominoplasty Surgery

Patients may have a number of questions before surgery such as a tummy tuck and hence have to find out more about the surgery before going for it. A reputable surgeon can answer all your questions and throw light on a number of topics such as risks, candidacy, scarring, recovery time and desired results. There are two kinds of tummy tuck procedures, either a mini tummy tuck or full abdominoplasty. Your surgeon will suggest you exactly which kind of tummy tuck would suit your silhouette. But before you go for it, consider the following points.

Abdominoplasty Surgery – Five Important Points to Consider

Abdominoplasty Surgery – Five Important Points to Consider

Once you have decided to take the plunge, consider taking the following steps.

Take ample time out for the surgery and tummy tuck recovery

Well, Abdominoplasty isn’t what you will call a minor operation. Most patients can expect at least two weeks of downtime, where it would be difficult for you to do most activities. Don’t rush into doing strenuous activities, rest more; and that is the only way to initiate healing. Taking time out from work should be your priority number one and also asking for some live-in assistance along with childcare and someone to help you with the chores at home. Stay away from heavy duty physical work for at least a month. Listen to your body and do not overtax yourself.

The pain, swelling, and fatigue usually last for the first four weeks. Be patient, for it takes about 6 months to finally see the results.

Add nutritious foods to your diet to promote faster healing

You have got to nourish your body after a major surgery such as the tummy tuck to initiate faster healing. A well-balanced meal can do wonders, which means a diet that has a combination of healthy grains, lean proteins, and fiber-full vegetables. This will give your immunity a major boost, helping you walk the path of recovery at a much faster rate. Stick to a diet full of natural unprocessed foods and steer clear of processed foods, they spell bad news for your health!

Maintain your weight before the surgery

Tummy tucks are surrounded by a lot of myths. Unlike popular conception, they won’t help you to achieve your weight loss goals, though they can help with fat loss in certain tummy tucks. If your weight tends to yo-yo quite a bit, then wait till you reach a stable number that is closer to your goal weight. This holds true for patients who have recently undergone bariatric surgery, so it is advisable to wait for at least a year before going for a tummy tuck.

Hip to hip incision will leave a scar

Your surgeon will tighten up your abdominal muscles, making a hip to hip incision which will leave a scar. The good news is the scar will eventually fade in the coming months and years. The incision won’t be visible as it will be below the panty line and hence hidden behind underwear.

The good thing about tummy tucks is that they are permanent

Let’s face it, a smooth flat stomach is a dream nursed by most of us, and while we would like to believe that exercise and a good diet can help us edge closer to the carefully-nursed dream, most of the time it borders on wishful fantasy instead of reality. It’s only a tummy tuck which can make the impossible, possible. Especially women, who have undergone several pregnancies find it hard to achieve that flawless flat tummy, that is why it is said that women should undergo a tummy tuck only after they have finished having children.  The result is permanent, and if you stick to a healthy lifestyle, your abdomen will remain tight and drool-worthy!

Well, we have only focussed on women, but the fact is men who are having a hard time losing the extra fat around their tummy are also ideal candidates for a tummy tuck surgery. In fact, tummy tucks are an ideal solution for both men and women who are finding it hard to banish the belly fat. As they say, the belly fat is the toughest to get rid of. But thankfully, tummy tuck makes it possible to achieve the goal!

Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery)

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