The world of aesthetics has found a whole new meaning with the help of cosmetic surgery. We often stumble upon misconceptions cosmetic surgery and especially hair restoration treatment, and only a renowned hair transplant surgeon can give us a detailed analysis of and consultation on the methods of hair restoration. Hair loss is one such common problem that is solved with the aid of hair restoration surgery.
Causes of Hair Transplant
Before we think of a particular treatment for hair transplant, we need to go through, in detail, the underlying causes of hair loss. Androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. Female pattern baldness is known as female androgenic alopecia. While male pattern baldness hits men as early as age 25, female pattern baldness usually surfaces at menopause.
There are various reasons for hair loss or hair-thinning, it can be directly related to male or female pattern baldness, pregnancy, stress, or be the result of another medical condition. In both cases, we need to figure out the cause to treat the problem effectively. Here are some common causes of hair loss-
- Alopecia areata (Auto-immune hair loss)
- Weight loss
- Pregnancy
- Menopause
- Hypothyroidism
- Anti-depressants
- Trichotillomania (impulse control disorder)
- Genetic reasons
- Anemia
- Diabetes
- Lack of protein
Why do we need a Hair Transplant?
In recent years, there has been an increase in hair transplant surgeries across the globe. People usually splurge on untested or unapproved topical hair creams, shampoos, oils, and expensive salon treatments, only to find no positive results on their hair loss. What they fail to realize is that if they had spent that same amount of money on a proper medical hair restoration procedure, they would have gotten guaranteed results.
If at all you have any fears or concerns regarding a hair transplant surgery, then you can sit and discuss it with your expert hair surgeon. A hair restoration surgery is a minimally invasive technique, which gives you a brand new set of permanent hair, suiting your persona. You will walk around with natural looking hair in a few months and also get your money’s worth.
Types of Hair Transplant-
The two most popular hair transplantation methods are FUT and FUE. In FUT, a strip of hair is extracted from the donor area and then grafted onto the recipient area, with the help of cosmetic surgery. In FUE, single hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and then transplanted onto the recipient area. This procedure takes longer then FUT but leaves no surgical scars. But in both the techniques, the success rate is 100 %.
Why go for Hair Restoration?
Contrary to popular belief, the actual procedure is actually smooth and hassle-free. Hair restoration surgery gives hope to many people who are dealing with grey hair, thin hair, sticky hair or no hair at all can boost their spirits with brand new hair. They can now reverse hair growth with hair restoration surgery.
Hair loss is a common problem faced by both men and women, due to an erratic lifestyle, irregular diet patterns, and diseases. But hair restoration surgery puts an end to all your hair loss woes. Let’s take a look at the benefits of hair transplant surgery.
How Is Surgical Hair Restoration Performed?
Surgical hair restoration is a systematic procedure in which the patient’s bald area gets a set of new hair strands from areas with a lot of hair, called donor areas. Hair transplant surgery has been around since the 1950s, but the latest techniques have imparted more finesse and artistry to this method. Today, two prominent methods of hair transplant surgery are popular- FUT and FUE. In FUT, a strip of hair is dissected from the back of the scalp and then implanted in small portions to the bald area. In FUE, a single follicular unit is removed from the scalp, one at a time and then implanted to the required area after numbing the area with local anesthesia.
Hair Transplantation Surgery – Does the Hair Transplanted Hair Ultimately Falloff
Does your hair fall after a hair transplantation surgery? Yes, it does, so what are the reasons why you may start losing hair again? Are there any reasons to be worried. Know more about hair fall after the surgery, here.
Shedding of normal hair
Our hair goes three phases of shedding and growth in our entire lifecycle and anagen, catagen, and telogen phases.
The anagen phase is known as the growth phase and it lasts for two to six years. The catagen phase lasts for 2-3 weeks. The telogen phase last 100 days and as many as 50-100 hairs are shed. But what happens when you start losing after hair transplant surgery?
1) Shock Hair Loss
A hair transplant surgery is traumatic on the scalp and the surrounding hairs. In a reaction to the trauma, the hair grafts start temporarily shed. This is also known as shock-shedding. You can keep experience shedding between 1-5 weeks after the hair transplant procedure. The only thing is you will experience new hairs growing again. Shock-loss is a temporary phase, so you need not get worried about it.
2) Graft rejection – is there is a possibility?
Unfortunately, most doctors cannot give you a 100% guarantee on graft rejection occurrence. Sometimes, the recipient area rejects donor grafts completely. In this particular case, the body’s immune system rejects the hair grafts and destroys the hair grafts.
3) Follow it up with proper aftercare
Aftercare plays a big part in the entire hair transplant surgery. Follow your doctor’s instructions to the t. Instructions such as washing your hair gently, abstaining from alcohol and nicotine for at least 1-4 week and so on.
4) Telogen effluvium
Telogen Effluvium is a condition where you end up losing all of your hair at once. It is caused by various external factors. Telogen effluvium is treatable and hair starts growing again after the treatment process.
5) Which zone are your grafts taken from?
There are professionals who end up extracting hair from the nonpermanent zone and graft it in the recipient area. This results in abysmal results. So, it is important that you go for an experienced doctor who knows his job well and recognizes the perfect donor zone to carry out the hair transplant procedure, otherwise, you may have to pay the price for no fault of yours.
So, weigh all the pros and cons of the hair transplant surgery and select the right clinic for treating your hair loss problem for good.